Are your workouts getting old? If your fitness training is ready to go to the next level tell me the equipment you have and I’ll develop 30 days of workouts for you.
— Coach Hans

HIIT (high intensity interval training) workouts have been shows to be very effective for multiple fitness-related goals. I love HIIT workouts and so do my clients. With so many people working out from home, not everyone can afford a personal trainer. But you need that extra push. You need that new wrinkle to your workout that will take things to the next level. It’s why we hire trainers, and with this format you can have that too! Simple tell me the exact equipment you have and I’ll create the workouts for you. I may need a little more information before I program the workouts so we’ll exchange a couple emails and then you’ll be set. The workouts will build on each other and will be appropriate to your level of fitness while providing enough challenge to take things to the next level. As I say with all my clients: my plan + your effort = our success as a team. Sign up today!