The current state of video in 2022 is short-form. Inspired by the vertical orientation from Instagram and the short format, YouTube is throwing its hat in the ring with #shorts. And I kind of like it. I’m not gonna lie, sometimes the only attention I have is for something in this timeframe. At the same time certain content lends itself to this format, including a ‘best equipment’ list, equipment demos, and even workouts with said equipment.
Over the past year I’ve developed the First Four: four pieces of equipment to start your home gym. I’m sure most of us have something already at home, but the idea is when push comes to shove, these four pieces of equipment can do a lot for your fitness. Add in programming from In Pursuit and you have months worth of quality workouts and a significant upgrade to your fitness.
I’ve created a playlist of #shorts on YouTube that goes through the thinking behind the equipment choices, some basic exercises, then some advanced workouts. There’s a lot of great fitness that can happen with these gym essentials! Reimagine your home workouts and check out the First Four in this playlist called In Pursuit #shorts