July 1, 1999 - June 29, 2020 I didn't know Brady, but this is one of those friend-of-a-friend situations I think we can all get behind. .. .. .. From @uncle_hoffy. "You guys know my life has been dedicated to youth struggling with drugs and alcohol and providing another way for the. My nephew passed away last Sunday due to the disease of addition in a drunk driving accident. Bradyn was born and raised on Kauai and just like me, he had a great family and was a very supportive kid. He fell prey to the environment of Kauai where using drugs and alcohol is so acceptable. He was my mini me. .. .. .. To the Pursuit community, this week I will be honoring Bradyn and supporting the Keala Foundation. After finishing the workout, I will be donating money and I hope you'll join me for each. Please feel free to modify this workout however you need - the only ask is that you put in the effort... it's important for this community to shine a light and do the work. .. .. .. Workout: Bradyn 5 Rounds 99 jump rope 7 burpees 21 Thrusters *Cash out 1-mile run @kealafoundation