Year in Review 2020

No one saw the pandemic coming but In Pursuit Fitness Training still had a very successful year. Our social distancing limitations meant our community wasn’t able to develop the way I wanted but this is a top priority for 2021. We introduced Benchmark workout 001 (rower and kettlebell swings) and we’ll use these workouts as the foundation of our strength and conditioning programming. The pandemic led to the creation of various virtual ‘challenges’ which in my opinion were pretty cheesy. But in hindsight I’m proud of the events I completed and expect similar events in 2021 - again as a medium for promoting community through fitness. As I button up the first year of In Pursuit Fitness Training, I am so grateful for my clients! You had patience and flexibility through this challenging season. You worked hard to pursue your health and fitness. And this inspires me to develop this community and culture where we can pursue a healthy and disciplined lifestyle.

Happy training & always In Pursuit

(full version on the blog)