TRX Fundamentals plus Conditioning

This is my take on a great TRX workout. I call it the “fundamentals” because they’re just that... basic exercises with the Pistols as the one exception. Remember, you can scale all exercises very easy on TRX. I added the conditioning component because everyone’s doing the same TRX right now - so let’s go to the next level. Let me know how it goes!

Set timer for 0:40 // 0:20 x 4 rounds (4 minutes) ~~> 1:00 rest between sets ~~> TRX exercises in the 0:40 and conditioning in the 0:20

Set 1: TRX chest press + TRX row ~> jumping jacks

Set 2: TRX squats + TRX side lunge ~> side shuffle

Set 3: TRX curls + TRX triceps ~> burpees

Set 4: TRX pistol squats + TRX Superman ~> plank walk-ups

Set 5: TRX jump squats + TRX reverse fly ~> high skips

Music by: @lecrae, @andymineo, Derek Minor